Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jake licked the beaters!

They should have snapped a foto of me licking the beaters after the cream was whipped, but the truth was there was no time! no time at all! I was so keen and eager, before you knew it, the beaters were in my range and i was licking for all I'm worth.

The whipped cream--which I now think is the most perfectly delicious food on earth and am going to suggest it as a flavour for dog food--was topping for banoffi pie.

Banoffi pie is an indulgent dream or nightmare depending on how you feel about this sort of thing: a layer of graham cracker crust (or wholemeal digestive biscuits), a layer of bananas and another of caramel. Here is the link to a recipe my beloved dog-mom and cook ran in the San Francisco Chronicle:


but here's a secret: instead of making a caramel from scratch or buying it in a jar-both fine--why not simply simmer the UNOPENED can in water, being sure that it stays submerged and underwater the whole time. Keep topping it up as needed, and keep the heat at a low rolling simmer. Do this for about 3 hours. Then let it cool and spoon it out--oh my! gaudy sugary goodness!

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